Quick fix for error 1603 when installing or updating quickbooks

Quick fix for error 1603 when installing or updating quickbooks

Hi. After spending hours trying to open and use Quickbooks 2016 after the latest update, I found a work-around. Apparently, these errors, 1601, and 1603 are "ongoing" according to the service rep and as of now, they don't have a fix.
I finally decided to try to roll back my computer to an earlier backup (windows backup, not quickbooks) and then reinstalled quickbooks.  This time it worked.  (I'd tried it about 6 times, with restarts, clean install, and all the other suggested fixes, as well as spending an hour on the phone with a representative who wasn't able to fix it)
I'm now able to open and use Quickbooks. Hopefully, this will help someone else. Best of luck.

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